Can I route meetings based on SDR inputs to the right AEs and have them book the meeting right away?

Let’s face it getting SDRs to book meetings fast enough, and on the right AEs calendar, with the right information all while talking the prospect is already a hard task. Getting them to fill CRM fields before they to book that meeting? Forget about it. So let’s see how to make all that happen, without adding more work for you SDRs?
"Missing prospect details affect opportunities."
"Manual CRM updates are slowing us down."
"We need a fairer way to distribute leads."

H🤔w can I do that?

With this setup, you’ll be able to eliminate the time it takes for your SDRs to find the right rep’s calendar, when they’re available and who is up next, and instead get them to fill up the CRM fields you need for the meeting, all while getting the meeting booked in under 2 minutes.

Let’s see how:

With Relays, you setup a booking system for your SDRs that lives in all the channels that they work from, which has context of all your distribution rules and rules of engagement. The right AEs calendar gets delivered right on their screen at the click of a button, so they have all the time they need to fill up those CRM fields, and get the meeting booked and keep your CRM updated.

Here’s how:

Why should I do it?
  • Get up to date meeting details, and form fields in your CRM
  • Increase show rates for your SDR meetings
  • Automate meeting outcome tracking for your SDR booked meetings
  • Increase pipeline and revenue through your SDR meetings

Why should I d🧐 it?

  • Get up to date meeting details, and form fields in your CRM
  • Increase show rates for your SDR meetings
  • Automate meeting outcome tracking for your SDR booked meetings
  • Increase pipeline and revenue through your SDR meetings

How have others done this?

Security Software
  1. Create custom form for enterprise security assessment
  2. Add progressive fields based on security needs, such as:
    • Current security stack
    • Compliance requirements
    • Integration needs
  3. RevenueHero routes to specialized security consultants based on form input
  4. Maintains enterprise qualification criteria
Data Platform
  1. Create custom form for data analytics consultation
  2. Add adaptive fields based on data requirements, like:
    • Current data volume
    • BI tool usage
    • Integration requirements
  3. RevenueHero routes to data specialists based on form input
  4. Respects territory rules while routing
HR Technology
  1. Create a custom form for HR platform assessment
  2. Add dynamic fields based on company structure, such as:
    • Employee count by region
    • Current HR systems
    • Performance review process
  3. Routes to HR solution consultants
  4. Maintains industry focus
Investment Platform
  1. Create custom form for investment platform demo
  2. Include specialized fields for investment firms. For instance:
    • AUM size
    • Investment types
    • Investor reporting needs
  3. RevenueHero routes to investment platform specialists
  4. Respects portfolio size requirements

Implementation Templates

Enterprise Security Platform

Field for Financial Security Relay:

  • Company Size
  • Industry

Fields for Cloud Security Relay:

  • Compliance Needs (SOC, GDPR, CCPA)
  • Cloud? True/False

Fields for Security Integration Relay:

  • Devops Integration required? True/False

Routing Rules:

Rule 1:

  • Criteria: Company_Size > 5000 AND Industry = 'Financial'
  • Assignment: Financial_Security_Expert

Rule 2:

  • Criteria: Compliance_Need = 'SOC2' AND Cloud = TRUE
  • Assignment: Cloud_Security_Architect

Rule 3:

  • Criteria: DevOps_Integration = TRUE
  • Assignment: Security_Integration_Specialist
No match: Handoff based on Fallback criteria.

Fields for Enterprise HR consultation:

  • Employee Count
  • Multi State? True/False

Fields for Healthcare Specialist:

  • Industry Dropdown
  • Shift Based? True/False

Routing Rules:

Rule 1:

  • Criteria: Employee_Count > 1000 AND Multi_State = TRUE
  • Assignment: Enterprise_HR_Consultant

Rule 2:

  • Criteria: Industry = 'Healthcare' AND Shift_Based = TRUE
  • Assignment: Healthcare_Workforce_Specialist
No match: Handoff based on Fallback criteria.
  • Choose whether meetings are owned by SDRs or AEs based on your sales process
  • Get your sales team to install RevenueHero's chrome extension to invoke relays on any screen

We're short of Call To Action ideas.

No SDR qualification or BANT interrogation. Just a live demo of the product, tailor-made to your business.

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