If you’re an SDR or BDR, Outreach is where you live. It’s your HQ for tasks, prospect details, and keeps your pipeline moving. So why should booking a Relay or handoff meeting mean jumping out of it?
With RevenueHero’s Chrome extension, scheduling a meeting is a one-click process, right inside Outreach—so you can schedule meetings without breaking focus.
What you'll need to get started
- RevenueHero Chrome extension (download & log in)
- An Outreach account
How it works
- Install & log into the RevenueHero Chrome extension.
- Open Outreach—you’ll see the RevenueHero calendar icon on the top right of your prospect’s page.

- In Outreach emails, you’ll see a calendar icon in the bottom left—click it to drop in your available time slots and let prospects pick what works.
If your prospect’s info is already in Outreach, RevenueHero pulls it in automatically. Just book the meeting or send over your slots—no repetitive form fills.