
The integration lets you automatically qualify, route with Round-Robin or any distribution logic, and book meetings with the right sales rep in real time.
App type
Marketing automation platform
Integration type
Integration goal
Integration direction
Data sync
Made by

About this integration

RevenueHero's native integration with Marketo allows you to incorporate intelligent meeting scheduling into your Marketo forms. When visitors fill out your Marketo form, RevenueHero automatically triggers a scheduling experience based on your configured distribution rules, ensuring leads are connected with the right reps at the right time.

What you'll need to get started

  • A RevenueHero account with administrative access
  • A Marketo account with administrative access
  • Your Marketo form ID

How it works

RevenueHero integrates with your existing Marketo forms using a native JavaScript implementation. Here’s how it works:

  1. When a prospect submits your Marketo form, RevenueHero’s listener captures the form data while allowing Marketo to process the submission as usual. Your existing Marketo workflows, lead scoring, and attribution tracking continue to function without disruption.
  2. As Marketo processes the form, RevenueHero evaluates the submission against your routing rules. Based on the logic, it shows the prospect the calendar of the appropriate sales rep for scheduling a meeting.
  3. Even if you have multiple Marketo forms on the same page, RevenueHero uses your unique form ID to identify the right form submit that will trigger the scheduling experience. 
Who can use this feature?
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See RevenueHero in action!

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