Google calendar

Google calendar

The integration enables you to automate meeting assignments to sales reps who are available when the prospect wants to meet. Events are created instantly on your sales team's calendar and your prospect's calendar.
App type
Integration type
Integration goal
Integration direction
Data sync
Made by

About this integration

RevenueHero integrates with Google Calendar to manage availability and create calendar events. When prospects book time with your sales team, RevenueHero:

  • Checks real-time availability before showing time slots
  • Creates calendar events with meeting details
  • Sends calendar invites to all participants
  • Updates calendar events when meetings change

How it works

RevenueHero's Google Calendar integration enables automated calendar management and meeting scheduling by connecting directly to your Google Workspace account. The integration syncs in real-time to show accurate availability, send meeting invites, and handle calendar updates across all your scheduling workflows.

What you'll need to get started

  • Users onboarded to your RevenueHero account
  • Google workspace accounts for each user in RevenueHero
  • Permission to add apps to their Google account as an individuals

Integration Setup

When your team logs in to RevenueHero for the first time, they're prompted to connect their Google Calendars with RevenueHero. Here’s how you can do this:

  1. Go to Settings > My Integrations > Google Calendar
  2. Click "Sign in with Google"
  3. Choose your Google Workspace account
  4. Review and accept permissions
  5. Click "Continue" to complete setup

Once connected, RevenueHero automatically:

  • Shows only available time slots based on your calendar 
  • Creates calendar events when meetings are booked
  • Updates events if meetings are rescheduled
  • Removes events when meetings are cancelled
  • Maintains buffer times between meetings
  • Respects working hours and blocked times
When you first integrate RevenueHero with Google Calendar, you'll authorize access to enable calendar management and meeting scheduling. Make sure to check all permission boxes so that RevenueHero has full access to your Calendar to send meeting invites.
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