
Generate Daily meeting links for every scheduled meeting between your prospects and sales team.
App type
Video Conferencing
Integration type
Integration goal
Integration direction
Data sync
Made by

About this integration

RevenueHero’s Daily integration lets you automatically create and manage video conferencing links for every sales meeting scheduled through your workflow. Whether it’s initial prospecting calls or follow-ups, your Daily video link is automatically created and added to the calendar invite. With the Daily integration, you can:

  • Automatically create Daily video links for every scheduled meeting.
  • Include meeting links in calendar invites and email reminders.
  • Automate meeting link generation for rescheduled calls
  • Auto-cancel Daily meetings for cancelled meetings ‍

What you'll need to get started

  • Users onboarded to your RevenueHero account
  • An active Daily account
  • At least one Room URL in your Daily account
  • Permission to integrate third-party apps with your Daily account

How it works

  1. Users authenticate their Daily accounts with RevenueHero, granting permissions to create and manage video links on their behalf, for meetings booked on their calendar.

  1. Once you link a Daily Room URL to RevenueHero, it becomes the default video link for all scheduled meetings. Any time a meeting is booked for the user, where they are the owner of the meeting, RevenueHero automatically adds your Daily link to the calendar invite and email reminders for that meeting.
  2. The same Daily Room link is retained in the updated invite when meetings are rescheduled.
  3. If a meeting is canceled, RevenueHero removes the link to avoid confusion.
  4. You can change or disconnect your linked Room URL anytime through the My Integrations page in RevenueHero.
Who can use this feature?
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