The Demand Gen landscape in 2024 might be unrecognisable to some, especially after '21-'23 which was an absolute madhouse where everything seemed to fly. 2023-24 saw the gradual reset in expectations and reversal to the fundamentals across functions.

In Masters of Revenue, Demand Gen edition, we learn the realities of demand generation from practitioners and leaders who have the scar tissue to show for it. Tune in for specific tactics, strategies, and real learnings.

Join us from  July 23rd to 8th August at 1:00 PM EST

Count me in

Ops roles at GTM org can go one of two ways. Strategic, with massive revenue impact. Day to day pile of never ending process and tooling fixes.

Which why, in Masters of Revenue, Ops edition, we're looking to learn from the best. How should one think of the Ops role? How do you position it in the org, and especially what not to do.

Join our flagship event for a weekly interactive session with the masters and wizards of Ops from June 6th, 2024 to June 20th, 2024.

Count me in

Learn how the best in the business are driving demand and results

Real conversations around fundamentals, and tactics that have worked for different stages, industries and ICPs.
You'll go back with playbooks, new ideas, and an overall vision for how to think about demand gen for your organisation.
Count me in
Amanda Poetker
Sr Demand Gen Manager, Verifiable
Driving strategic decisions as a RevOps
How do you move away from the crew that's always firefighting to keep the forest from burning down? How do you influence key objectives right at the planning phase? And more importantly, how do you position your team as the one that guides strategic decisions?
Drew Frayre shares how he did it and his learnings in driving the RevOps as a strategic function at Okendo.
23rd July @ 1:00 PM EST
Silvio Perez
Founder, AdConversion
Driving strategic decisions as a RevOps
How do you move away from the crew that's always firefighting to keep the forest from burning down? How do you influence key objectives right at the planning phase? And more importantly, how do you position your team as the one that guides strategic decisions?
Drew Frayre shares how he did it and his learnings in driving the RevOps as a strategic function at Okendo.
24th July @ 1:00 PM EST
Meg Gowell
Director, Growth Marketing, Appcues
Driving strategic decisions as a RevOps
How do you move away from the crew that's always firefighting to keep the forest from burning down? How do you influence key objectives right at the planning phase? And more importantly, how do you position your team as the one that guides strategic decisions?
Drew Frayre shares how he did it and his learnings in driving the RevOps as a strategic function at Okendo.
25th July @ 1:00 PM EST
Canberk Beker
Head of Growth, HockeyStack
Driving strategic decisions as a RevOps
How do you move away from the crew that's always firefighting to keep the forest from burning down? How do you influence key objectives right at the planning phase? And more importantly, how do you position your team as the one that guides strategic decisions?
Drew Frayre shares how he did it and his learnings in driving the RevOps as a strategic function at Okendo.
30th July @ 1:00 PM EST
Blair Ewalt
Marketing Manager, FusionAuth
Driving strategic decisions as a RevOps
How do you move away from the crew that's always firefighting to keep the forest from burning down? How do you influence key objectives right at the planning phase? And more importantly, how do you position your team as the one that guides strategic decisions?
Drew Frayre shares how he did it and his learnings in driving the RevOps as a strategic function at Okendo.
8th Aug @ 1:00 PM EST

We figured you might ask

Why should I attend?
We're chatting with practitioners who have weathered wonky years of SaaS and beyond. You get the chance to hear and interact with the best in business, driving real results.
Can I attend?
If you're a practitoner or leader of a demand function in your org at any level, this is for you. We discuss practical tactics, and proven strategies in these sessions.

Get your free pass to Masters of Revenue

Demand Gen Edition