
Generate Zoom meeting links for each scheduled meeting between your prospects and sales team.
App type
Integration type
Integration goal
Integration direction
Data sync
Data in & out of RevenueHero
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About this integration

RevenueHero's Zoom integration automatically creates and manages video conferencing for all your sales meetings. Every time a prospect books a meeting, a Zoom link is automatically created and added to the calendar invite.

  • Automatically create Zoom meetings for every scheduled call
  • Include meeting links in calendar invites and email reminders
  • Automate meeting link generation for rescheduled calls
  • Auto-cancel Zoom meetings for cancelled meetings

How it works

  1. Users of RevenueHero authenticate RevenueHero with their Zoom accounts,
    to allow RevenueHero to generate Zoom links on behalf of them, for meetings booked on their calendar. 

  1. Once authenticated, any time a meeting is booked for the user, where they are the owner of the meeting, the RevenueHero integration generates a Zoom link that is unique to that meeting, and automatically adds it to the calendar invite for that meeting. 
  1. Any time a meeting is rescheduled, the old meeting in Zoom is deleted, and a new unique meeting link is created and added to the new calendar invite.

  2. Users will be able to disconnect their Zoom integration at any time through RevenueHero.

Zoom authentication sessions expire on a periodic basis to ensure security of the integration. RevenueHero’s built in, automated notification system notifies admins the moment Zoom’s authentication session expires to ensure that there are no disruptions in workflows
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